
Posted in: Ballymeade
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  • bluehen
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 8 Posts
Let me start off by saying that I??™ve been a resident of Ballymeade for twenty-three years, and live on a great street where all of my neighbors are friendly, take pride in maintaining their properties, and look out for one another. Over the past five years though, I??™ve noticed a lot of changes in our neighborhood, including an increasing amount of vehicles parked in and around the townhomes with out of state tags. In addition, I??™ve observed motorcycles with Pa tags racing up and down Ballymeade and Shrewsbury Drive, several of which were traced back to W. Oakmont Drive. Last July 4, 2021 a rental property in Oakmeade appeared to host, what started out as a BBQ with 20-25 people, then grew to a much larger gathering 50+ by nightfall. What followed was a fireworks display in the middle of Ballymeade Drive (near the pond) that included loud music and the street being shut down from 9:00 pm until about 11:30 pm., by a group of male subjects (who clearly were not residents since all of the cars had PA tags) who were not allowing residents to leave the neighborhood by way of Ballymeade Drive, forcing drivers to make u-turns and exit by was of Shrewsbury. Is this what we will have to look forward to the coming year? I think instead of worrying about trash cans being let out too long perhaps the board should address some of the bigger issues in our neighborhood and perhaps begin reducing the number of rentals. My guess is a few of the board members themselves own but don??™t live here. They too lease their property out. Whether we like it or not, our community is already known as ??œBallymeade, a great place to Rent.???
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  • ballymeade
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Wilmington, DE
  • 120 Posts

Read the minutes of the Annual Community Meeting.  You did not attend.  There is a plan in place.  

New Castle County, Delaware 19810