Posted in: Ballymeade
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  • cindy56
  • Valued Neighbor
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  • 2 Posts

I have been to Deldot. They do not place stop signs for speeding. I have been trying since I moved to the development 8 years ago to get a stop sign placed. DelDOT has come and surveyed the area and they say there is no need for a stop sign on that corner. They did place a stop sign on Boxborough shortly after we moved in. Stop sign are for traffic flow and dangerous intersections. Our problem in the neighborhood is Speeding up and down the hill on Shrewsbury. I frequently walk around the neighborhood and there is also a speeding problem on Ballymeade drive. My fear is that one of the Many children in the neighborhood is going to be severely injured or killed. Speed bumps are a pain, but this is a pain I would not mind enduring if it meant saving the life of a child.
  • Stock
  • cindy56
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 2 Posts

I would be in favor of attending a meeting. I have been very involved in my daughters school in the past year and I haven't been able to attend the general meeting. I would be willing to address this issue at a meeting in the future. I will keep an eye out for the meeting dates in the future. Can the association call alspecial meeting for this purpose?

We should have speed bumps installed. I have two young children and the cars and SUVs speed incredibly fast down Rockmeade Drive. I know that there are people in Ballymeade who are politically involved. Perhaps they can help. Please let me know what you think.
Also a pain I would support...

For the same reason you stated Cindy--the children should be allowed to play/ride bikes without fear of racing cars. They have some serious speed bumps where my sister lives--they look as if they were bolted down and are bright yellow. They would take out a tire if hit at any rate of speed. Not like the kind that blend into the road that all to many cars will just ride right over. I'll watch for the next association meeting so I can give my support to this issue.

By Donna
New Castle County, Delaware 19810