2024 Meeting Minutes

Ballymeade Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Date:                    April 02, 2024

Time:                    6:30 pm EST        

Location:              Virtual

Attendees:           Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary), Vince

                                Begatto (Vice-President), Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)



  1. Meeting called to order – 6:30 EST

 1. BMC Financial Status

  •          Jim B. states the BMC financials healthy; no additional updates available at this time

 2. Deed Restriction Ballot

  •         Discussion about mailing ballots again in the Fall
  •         Considerations for getting better results and ultimately passing changes
  1. reformatting ballot to make it easier to read and understand
  2. getting a ‘jump start’ on door to door informational visits to homeowners
  3. ways to overcome language barriers
  4. identify and speak directly with homeowners who voted down changes

 3. ARC Updates

  •      407 Oakmeade fence installed without submitted ARC request or approval; required plot plan not provided;  fence is both a different style and height than the surrounding homes; measurements are needed as fence may also cross property line into the easement; NCC will be contacted in regards to
  •      110 Shrewsbury homeowner to be contacted by PENCO for property’s status and home’s future
  • Updates and discussions on the following:
  1. Ballymeade pothole will have a work-order submitted to be repaired
  2. Boxborough homeowner has broken agreement with trellis and growing apparatus; letter to be sent
  3. Individual homeowners to be sent letters and followed-up with regards upkeep with exterior property’s exterior conditions; ie. vinyl sidings black and green from dirt and mildew; untrimmed trees or shrubs; overgrown lawns and weeds

 4. Landscape Updates

  • Jim B. to check whether Ballymeade pond drain needs to be cleaned
  • Phil L. to clean-up downed tree debris
  • D. Wolf reported downed tree; will be removed be contractor

 5. Miscellaneous

  • Community newsletter to be mailed in the Fall
  • Rental sign on Rockmeade to be removed by realtor
  • P. LaScala will deposit reimbursement check
  • Ballymeade community yard sale will be scheduled in the Fall
  • Plan to have annual meeting in-person again
  • PENCO has options on it’s website for paying annual assessment under ‘Pay Association
  •  Meeting adjourned by President – 8:00pm EST

Ballymeade 2024 Annual Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Date:                    February 26, 2024

Time:                    7:00pm EST         

Location:              Meeting hosted remotely via Zoom


Attendees:           Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary), Vince Begatto (Vice President), Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)




  1. Meeting called to order – 7:00pm EST


  1. High-level agenda review and introductions provided by Mike Petrucci


  1. President’s Report – Year in Review
  • The Board, with PENCO Management Company, manage a $67,000+ operating budget.  This budget provides all of the landscaping, snow plowing - all costs.
  • Our Reserves continue to grow in line with the recommendation of the recently updated 2023 Engineering Reserve Study to ensure funding for future major maintenance / replacement. The $450 Capital Improvement Assessment from new home buyers increases the Reserve Fund.    We had 5 sales this year totaling $2,250 in reserve income.  Our reserve fund is in good shape and will cover all repairs for many years, however yearly cost continue to rise.
  • Our web site is a great resource for information for both new and long-term homeowners, renters also.  The community’s “Corporate Documents” are on the website (By-Laws, Deed Restrictions, etc.) and the website is an archive for minutes and other important documents:      
  • We hope homeowners read and enjoy the community newsletters which we hope homeowners find informative and enjoyable. Goal is to move to a digital newsletter to reduce costs ( failed to pass)
  • Snow Removal – When snow is forecast, please get your cars off the streets to result in optimal plowing. Townhouse roads are plowed as wide as possible, but parked cars affect this in a major way.  There remains nothing that can be done about the plow pushing snow in front of your driveway. You are required to clean your sidewalks (per County Code). Ron is good at sending an Email reminder!!!


  1. Board Approval of Violation / Fine Resolution & Rental Amendment
  • The board retained a law firm two years ago to write documents for the following purpose.
  • Better define the ability and scope of the board to levy fines for non-compliance of deed restrictions and ARC violations.
  • Rental amendment to control the number of rental properties in the development and enforce these new restrictions and recoup cost associated with implementing this new process.


  1. Results of Deed Restriction Change Ballot
  • Votes to date: Need 160 yes votes to pass.
  • Leasing a Dwelling Unit – 138 YES – 29 NO
  • Other amendments – 147 YES – 20 – NO.
  • Neither Ballot change was adopted
  • May try again in the future


  1. Cap Assessment for new home purchases
  • Vote held and passed to raise from 450 to 500
  • Motion to amend the capital assessment from $450 to twice the annual fee.
  • Board votes on motion; motion passes


  1. Violation / Fine Summary
  • After a reasonable period of time and multiple requests to correct the violation/ or cease the activity, the board can impose a fine.
  • Owner may request a hearing within 10 days after notification.
  • Fines shall be added as an additional assessment.
  • Fine amounts will be defined based on the type of violation.


  1. Landscape Update
  • Several trees in common areas needed to be taken down due to age or weather related causes.
  • All contractors continue to perform to expectations


  1. ARC Slide
  • Deed restrictions are readily available on our web site, provided at home sale / settlement to buyers, included in welcome letters, and distributed via periodic mailings to all homeowners; PENCO Management is there to help with questions
  • If you are not sure of what is permissible, call or e-mail PENCO Management before any work is done; telephone number and email address on website


  1. Past Deed Violations/Complaints
  • Parking of cars on sidewalks and too close to street corners or Mailboxes
  • Exterior construction / changes without submitting an ARC review.
  • Trash cans not being stored in garages / out of sight
  • High grass/weeds, unkempt yards, yard clutter (County Code)
  • Encroachment on wetlands (Federal Law)
  • Commercial vehicles parked in the development.
  • Not cleaning up after their dogs; dogs not on leashes (County Code)


  1. Secretary Update
  • Parking of cars on sidewalks and too close to street corners or Mailboxes
  • Exterior construction / changes without submitting an ARC review.
  • Trash cans not being stored in garages / out of sight
  • High grass/weeds, unkempt yards, yard clutter (County Code)
  • Encroachment on wetlands (Federal Law)
  • Commercial vehicles parked in the development.
  • Not cleaning up after their dogs; dogs not on leashes (County Code)


  1. Financial Update
    1. 2023/2024 Fiscal Year
  • We have managed all aspects of the community using the approved 2023/24 Budget but ...
  • We’ve been able to manage the total allotted budget even with unknown required expenditures due to common area required maintenance (trees)
  • 98% of homeowners have paid the annual assessments; 3 homes are delinquent from last year / lien process; all penalties have been assessed per the community by-laws; follow-up letters and legal involvement have been necessary. 
  1. 2024/2025 Budget Proposal
  • The 2023/24 budget assumes an increase in the Annual Fee,  @ $300.00.
  • Proposed budget is dedicated to community operation and maintenance; in addition, funds have been allocated to our reserves given updated reserve study future expenditures forecasted
  • As a mature community, maintenance expenditures are going up due to:  inflation and aging of common area landscaping and maintenance within the community
  • Engineering study has been complete; we will share with any resident that would like to review the model
  • No large maintenance / repair projects have been proposed for the 2023/2024 fiscal year.
  • Per By-Laws, approval of 2024/25 Budget proposal is required


  1. Other Finance Updates
  • The current amount of funds in the Capital Improvement Fund / Reserve Fund is in line with recommendation of Engineering Study performed in 2023/2024
  • Late fees and fines will continue to be assessed due to current BMC By-Laws
  • Investment activity during the year
  • CD's continue to be rolled over as they mature because we do not have any major improvements that are needed at this time
  • A complete review of CD’s and current rates has been completed with WSFS
  • Summary – We remain financially sound



  1. PENCO Management’s Scope of Services
  • Respond to inquires from homeowners regarding the development; respond to complaints as appropriate.
  • Maintain individual homeowner accounts and computerized files to record payments, correspondence, requests, and complaints
  • Collect the annual assessment due to the Maintenance Corporation according to the Declaration. Follow up for payments.
  • Collect Capital Assessment fees when homes are sold
  • Initiate legal action against members for delinquent accounts (with Board Approval)
  • Research and obtain bids for all services required in accordance with the Maintenance Declaration
  • Prepare, distribute and  maintain all community financials and supporting documentation in line with IRS guidelines
  • Register your community annually for DelDot’s Snow Removal Reimbursement and New Castle County Storm Water Management Assistance when as appropriate
  • Prepare voting ballots, proxy ballots, and notification of the homeowners as directed by the bylaws for the annual meeting once initiated by the board of directors
  • Ensure the filing of the franchise tax required by New Castle County
  • Research and acquire bids for liability, property, and Directors & Officers insurance when appropriate


  1. Board of Directors – Status / Activities
  • Two Board seats are open
  • Board members serve a two-year term, per By-Laws.
  • PENCO handles the day to day issues and recommends board involvement when needed.
  • The Board meets three times per year, plus the Annual meeting.  Communication is done mostly through Email.
  • Our PENCO Property Manager attends all meetings and provides guidance as needed.
  • Meetings are not held in June, July or August
  • Meeting minutes document the meetings and are posted on our website:


  1. Meeting Opened for Questions
  • Homeowner, Lalit Narang:  Voiced his concern about the plowing during/after the first snow storm where parts of the streets were not plowed sufficiently.   Response by M. Petrucci:  Board aware of this.  Street parked cars caused some issues with the plow getting to certain parts of the neighborhood, leaving swaths of streets seemingly unplowed.  The unplowed sections turned icy complicating matters.  Salt was spread then afterwards to help with the ice.   Board will re-emphasize to homeowners the importance of moving cars from the street prior to forecasted snow to help snowplows keep streets clean.
  • Homeowner, Lalit Narang:   Voiced his concern about street some street lights flickering and/or not  working.  Response by M. Petrucci:   Malfunctioning street lights are repaired by Delmarva but their response is sometimes slow or can take several calls before a light gets repaired.  Mike makes note of any street light outages.
  • Homeowner, Lalit Narang:  Voiced his concern that some STOP signs are being blocked by tree branches.   Response by M. Petrucci:  We will be on the lookout for tree branches blocking any of our STOP signs going forward.
  • Homeowner, Tunde Adedeji:  Voiced her concern about overly aggressive solicitors knocking on their door and if anything can be done?   Response by M. Petrucci:  Unfortunately the Board can do little around this as door-to-door soliciting is legal.  More information can be found here:
  • Homeowner, Monica White – She voiced concerns regarding fixing of potholes?   Response by M. Petrucci:  
  • New Castle County would repair potholes.   NCC website where potholes can be reported - Report An Issue - Delaware Department of Transportation.  We can ask Sean Matthews our state rep for district 10 for assistance if we don’t get an acceptable response.


  1. Miscellaneous Discussions
  • Another attempt to vote on and pass the changes the deed restrictions may be taken within the next few years using what the board learned from this initial vote
  • Vince B. helping with reviewing ARC requests
  • Some issues remain with parking in the neighborhood, ie. cars parking close to street corners; parking in front of mailboxes; using overflow parking for long term parking.  Board has address some of these issues directly with homeowners with various degrees of success.  Board can’t enforce as these are public roads, board can really only facilitate a compromise among neighbors


  1. Meeting adjourned by President – 7:42pm EST




Posted by ballymeade on 03/17/2024
Last updated on 10/21/2024
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New Castle County, Delaware 19810