2013 Meeting Minutes

Buzzword, TRANSPARENCY.  We have it in Ballymeade.  All residents can be fully informed on all matters pertaining to this great community we call home.  Below are the 2013 meeting minutes for you to read, more meeting minutes will be added as the year progresses.  Please also check out the minutes all the way back to 2005.  These are available from the main Documents and Links page by scrolling down further - you'll see all the years listed all together. 

The 2013 meeting minutes can be viewed by scrolling down here.  The most recent minutes are on top, scroll down to read the older minute documents.


Currently there are: Three minute documents below (each set of minutes is a different color).  Please scroll down.



 Ballymeade Board Meeting

September 30, 2013



Present: Richard Wolf, Peter Haggerty, John Skrobot, Ron Davis, Mary Henderer and Beverly Harding of BC Communities (Property Manager)



  1. There was continued discussion of various homeowner violations to the Ballymeade Maintenance Corporations By-Laws. These violations chiefly involve fences extending into the 3 feet access space at the back end of the property lines, and the blockage of drainage swales. The property owners of the violating fences have been notified by both BC Communities and New Castle County, and asked to remedy the situation. Those property owners experiencing water retention because of a neighboring blockage of drainage will need to work out their problems between themselves per the New Castle County rep who inspected the sites.
  2. Houses within the community that are not being maintained are in violation of county codes, and should be reported to BC Communities.  Board members have noted several homes that are in need of maintenance fixes.  A full drive around will be conducted and the homeowners will be sent letters and, if not repaired promptly, the county will be notified.  These are all common New Castle county code violations.
  3. Nine houses have sold thus far within the community during 2013, and all capital assessments collected at closing. The community is reminded that this is a mandatory assessment fee. Realtors are aware of this assessment, and this assessment also applies to those houses being “Sold by Owner.” 
  4. Homeowners who plan to rent/lease their Ballymeade properties need to keep BC Communities updated on their current mailing address.
  5. The Maintenance Corporation’s 2013 contract with Forever Green ends with the mowing done during the first week in October. It was agreed the Corporation will call if additional cutting is needed.
  6. The Corporation has secured a grant from New Castle County to cover half of the cost for the installation of trees and shrubs to replace many of these that have died, and to enhance additional common areas of the community. A mixed selection of arborvitaes, and a cherry, a dogwood and a river birch will be planted around the berm that faces Naamans Road behind West Boxborough Drive . In addition, “knock-out” roses will be planted in the bare areas outside the fence on Naamans Road. All areas will be mulched. All plantings that have been chosen are considered to be “native” to the area, and will be able to withstand dry periods (drought resistant).
  7. The Corporation recognizes that streetlights along Ballymeade Drive from the development’s entrance, and then left into Seabury, are not working.  Delmarva Power has been out to address the issue of a buried cable that has apparently failed. The Corporation will continue to monitor their repair.
  8. The budget report was presented by the Corporation Treasurer.  The community is very good financial standing.  There are still 2013 annual assessments that are unpaid and that will be sought after at this time by the community’s attorney (original due date was March 31, 2013).  Several letters have been sent to each homeowner; court action is the next step.  Liens will be placed homes that has not paid the assessment and all legal and court fees will be reimbursed to the community by the homeowner.
  9. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.




  Ballymeade Board Meeting

April 3, 2013



Present: Richard Wolf, Peter Haggerty, John Skrobot, Ron Davis, Mary Henderer and Beverly Harding of BC Communities (Property Manager)


1)  Selection of Officers:


            President and ARC                                         Richard Wolf

            Vice-President and ARC                                John Skrobet

            Vice-President and Landscaping                    Peter Haggerty

            Treasurer                                                        Ron Davis

            Secretary                                                        Mary Henderer


2)  Annual Meeting:


Concern was expressed about the low turn-out for the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Ballymeade Maintenance Corporation held on February 20, 2013 at the Lancashire School as only five residents attended.  A quorum was made because we had the previously mentioned five homeowners, the five board members, and 19 proxies (authorizations for the Board president to vote on behalf of the homeowner who sent the proxy into BC).



3)  Budget Report:


There was a discussion of the means by which the community’s financial report is being presented at the Annual Meeting. It was suggested that perhaps there should be specific differentiation between the monies coming-in and the monies going-out. (The problem seems to be that money budgeted for snow removal for the past two years, but not used for that purpose, may not have been moved over to landscape enhancement.)


4)  Assessments:


The 2013 mandatory annual assessment statements were mailed to all residents in mid-March with a 48% positive response as of 4/3/13.  Full payment is due by April 15th. (The Maintenance Corporation has done all can with the four large delinquent accounts. It will continue to track these accounts, but not pursue them via our attorney any longer to save the expense.)


The Maintenance Corporation continues to keep track of sales within the community in order to collect $450.00 assessment.  A “final proof” is done quarterly via the NCC Parcel Search website which shows all sales within communities.  This is a mandatory assessment fee.



5) Architectural Review Committee (ARC):

New Castle Country is now addressing issues with a house within the community currently in violation of country housing codes.  The county will continue to notify BC Communities of its findings.  



6) Landscaping:


A “sink hole” was reported behind the townhouses on East Boxborough and Oakmeade Drives.  Deldot responded the very next day with an onsite inspection.  Deldot returned in less than a week to repair the storm water drain piping that had collapsed.  It has been suggested that trucks no longer access the back yard’s through community common areas because the weight of the trucks destroy the drain pipe system and ruin lawns on private property.  This will be communicated to all residents via letter.


Davey Tree Company removed a very large tree that had fallen on community property at the end of Longmeadow Drive, plus they removed some dead pine trees at the end of West Oakmeade. Davey will fertilize trees and bushes on community property during April. 


Forever Green will continue to add minor fuel surcharges to its billing in 2013 due to high fuel charges they are encountering.  A total of $172 was charged to Ballymeade in 2012.


The blacktop on the parking station at the foot of Longmeadow Drive needs attention, but it was decided to first check all of the community parking lots before deciding whether to do these one-at-a time or all-at-the same time. Once this has been done, BC Communities will solicit quotes for both sealing and tarring.  BC checked with Deldot just in case they “own” the parking lots but Deldot inspected and reported they do not, they only manage street curb to street curb.



7) Neighborhood Watch:


A Neighborhood Watch is being suggested organized by one of our homeowners.  The Ballymeade Board of Directors was asked to agree to the purchase of a sign notifying the residents and visitors of its existence. The sign would be posted at the entrance to the community.  After discussion it was decided that BC Communities would contact the organizer  with regard to how they intend to run this program, and ask that they submit a plan. BC Communities will also solicit an opinion from lawyer for BMC liability in the event that this group activates itself.  Reseach by the board indicates this sort of thing is normally managed closely by the local law enforcement group, in our case, New Castle County Police.



5) Annual Garage Sale:


As this is a popular neighborhood activity, Ballymeade’s annual garage sale is now scheduled for May 18th from8AM-3PM. Flyers will be mailed to residents, and reminder signs will go up about a week ahead of the event.



 Meeting adjourned



Annual meeting of the Ballymeade Maintenance Corp.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

@ Lancashire Elementary School

Board members in attendance were Richard Wolf, Ron Davis, Peter Haggerty, John Skrobot and Richard Spigel.


The meeting called to order by the Board President, Richard Wolf, at 7:00 P.M. There were only five homeowners in attendance, very poor showing.  With 19 proxies received by BC, the attendees and the board, the required 10% quorum was achieved and the meeting proceeded.  (10% of 243 homes)

  1.   The President reviewed 2012-13 happenings and performance.  How the Board operates was also explained (quarterly meetings, etc.).
  2. Vice Pres John Skrobot explained the ARC (Architectural Review Committee) process.
  3. Vice Pres Peter Haggerty gave an update on landscape activities. We discussed doing some enhancements in 2013, tree plantings mostly along Naamans to better provide a sound barrier.
  4. Overall finances were reviewed.  The annual homeowners assessment of $240 will remain in effect in 2013, the same as last three years. We continue to be a solid community to live in.
  5. Beverly Harding of B.C. communities reviewed the services they provide for us.
  6. Mr. Wolf reviewed old/new business.
  7. Treasurer Ron Davis then gave the treasure's report and 2012-13 budget update plus that proposed for 2013-14. It was voted on and approved. The proposed 2013-14 budget remains the same as that for 2012-13 with approval/acceptance received from all residents present.
  8. Board positions set to expire were those for Mr. Spiegel and Mr. Skrobot. Mr. Skrobot chose to remain while Mr. Spigel, who was handling Secretarial roles, chose to step down. Ms. Mary Henderer, a long time community resident and former Board member, volunteered to replace him. Her Board membership was accepted by All present.
  9. Open discussion then occurred.


Particular discussion involved the following:


  • Possibly putting a fence across creek opening between Ballymeade and Log Run. This will need to be discussed with the Log Run Board as this will affect both communities. Vandalism and trash problems recur here from time to time and we’d like to stop this somehow.
  • Particular residents who continue to violate the deed restrictions, parking problems (on sidewalks and too close or at intersection corners), were discussed.
  • We have four residents who are grossly in neglect with payment of annual assessments. A couple other residents are slightly in arrears for 2012-13. Varied legal avenues have been pursued with liens filed where possible. Sheriff sales, wage garnishments and the such were examined/attempted, but our efforts have been stymied, particularly when foreclosures and bankruptcy filings occur. We will continue to work towards liens on properties going forward, but other legal measures will be forgone as they have proven to be fruitless.
  • One resident inquired about recommended contractors for various work. Contractor notes are posted on our website and if any residents have information or recommendations on contractors for whatever work whom they would recommend, please post this in the blog or note section on our website ( for the benefit of other residents.  Note: BC and the board do not recommend any contractors, contractor names are posted in the discussion area of the website which allows postings by any registered user.
  • Another resident asked that an announcement be made regarding stream and creek clean-up which is occurring on April 6th. Anybody who would like to participate, which can include clean-up of the creek behind our community and even our storm water basins, is asked to meet behind Sweeny’s bakery at 8 AM on the 6th. This involve mostly just a morning of activity. It is a worthy cause as it helps keep our streams clean. Information on this project is available at
  • Lastly, one resident expressed desire to have the deed restrictions rewritten. For these to be changed and approved, 162 (two thirds) of the 243 homeowners must vote approval of any change. These deed restrictions have been in place since our development was established. They are for the benefit of all residents. When all homeowners bought in Ballymeade, they were informed that this is a deed restricted community and that all must abide by the deed restrictions. The deed restrictions are legally binding by all homeowners.  If any homeowner would like to submit verbiage and language for changes to this document please submit requests again to Bev Harding at BC Communities.  The board will consider the request and take appropriate next steps.


The meeting was then adjourned at 8:55 PM.



Posted by ballymeade on 02/27/2013
Last updated on 11/10/2013
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New Castle County, Delaware 19810