2011 Meeting Minutes

2011 Meeting Minutes


Buzzword, TRANSPARENCY.  We have it in Ballymeade.  All residents can be fully informed on all matters pertaining to this great community we call home.  Below are the 2011 meeting minutes for you to read.  Also check out the minutes from 2010 and all the way back to 2005.  These are available if you from the main Documents and Links page by scrolling down further - you'll see them. 

     Below are the minutes from Ballymeade's 2011 meetings to date (most recent minutes are on top, scroll down to read the older minute documents):

Currently there are: FOUR minute documents below (each doc will be a different color).  Please scroll down.



Ballymeade- Board of Directors-Meeting 7/22/2011


Present – All members (R. Davis, P. Haggerty ( Host), R. Spigel, J. Skrobot, R. Wolf )

Guests- Attorney-“E.J.”, Beverly Harding-Ballymeade Maintenance Corp.


(1)   E.J. distributed hand-out of Ballymeade- Delinquents and reviewed each as well as future actions to be taken. He then answered specific questions reference legal procedures, types of bankruptcy, Chancery court, and the wording of our deed restrictions. Finally he assured us that he would follow-up all delinquent home owners referred to him. He thanked us for inviting him and left.

(2)   Beverly Harding then distributed the BMC delinquent report and reviewed it with us.

After the update it was decided to send the small balance letter to the appropriate delinquents. She answered several questions and participated in the rest of the meeting.

(3)    It was then suggested that a separate mailing of the “Deed Restrictions” be sent to all homeowners. All Board members approved and Beverly said it would be sent.

(4)   A second proposal was made to allow white vinyl and composite decking as long as it had “ ARC” approval. This also was approved by all members.

(5)   Ron Davis then distributed copies of this year’s budget thru July 20th, 2011. After reviewing it, one change was made putting the retro contribution to the reserve fund on a separate line.  and the credit from Deldot for snowplowing

(6)   Richard Wolf then offered to help reduce maintenance expense by replacing two bulbs and a broken lens at the entrance plot (saving over $300.00!) Good job Rich.

(7)   Pete Haggerty then updated us on landscaping problems and maintenance needed one item – the removal of two trees and pruning of a third would require estimates.



Ballymeade Board Minutes

Meeting Date:   April 27, 2011

Attendance:       Board Members:  Peter Haggerty, John Skrobot, Richard Spigel, Ron Davis, Richard Wolf

The meeting lasted from 7:30 PM to 9 PM.

First discussion regarded assessment payments and delinquents, new and old. A unanimous vote was obtained to pursue sheriff sales and wage attachments to obtain assessment dollars owed the community.  Current delinquents as of the meeting are about $6300old and new for a total outstanding of about $12,600.

The following pertains to ARC and deed restriction violations:

  • For the ARC process, installation of steps at one residence and installation of a driveway are two resident actions for which requests were not submitted and which the board voted that the changes would not have been approved. We are pursuing actions against these homeowners for ignoring the ARC process and violation of the deed restrictions.
  • Several properties are not being maintained. Grass needs to be mowed and weeds controlled. A letter will be mailed to all residents about their responsibilities along with individual letters as appropriate.
  • A trailer being stored behind 829 W. Boxborough has been notices and is not permitted. A letter is being sent to this homeowner/resident.

Community Improvements:

  • On Morningdale Drive, curbs are crumbling. We will be obtaining quotes for the concrete replacement.
  • At the playground, some equipment needs to be replaced as such is rusting, cracking or deteriorating.  We will be replacing some equipment so those of you who use the playground should notice some changes.

Community Yard/Garage Sale:

  • On May 21st from 8 AM to noon, we will be having our annual Community Garage/Yard sale. An advertisement will be placed in the New Journal and information will be posted on our website regarding this.
  • A snow removal re-imbursement total of $5,715 for the 2010-11 winter season was submitted to the state. The amount which will be reimbursed is unknown. Any return will be added to funds for maintenance for 2011-12.


Vote of officers amongst Board members who were elected at the annual meeting resulted in the following established positions:

  • President – Richard Wolf
  • Vice President – Peter Haggerty
  • Vice President – John Skrobot
  • Treasurer – Ron Davis
  • Secretary – Richard Spigel

The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting will be in the 3rd quarter of the year.



Ballymeade Board









The meeting kicked off at Brandywine Town Center at 7 PM. Twenty-one homes were represented with 13 proxies submitted for voting approval by the Board President.


It was a smooth meeting with good discussion. The Board President, Richard Wolf, called the meeting to order with Board members introducing themselves. Current Board members include Mr. Wolf, Ron Davis, Peter Haggerty, John Skrobot and Jeff Peaper. Board elections were held to replace two expiring positions. Mr. Wolf was voted back in as a Board Member, per nomination, and Mr. Richard Spiegel volunteered to replace Jeff Peaper on the Board.


Ms. Beverly Harding was present representing BC Communities. She handled Home-owner sign-in/attendance documentation and she presented information on her and BC’s role in supporting the Community.


Peter Haggerty presented details on landscaping, tree maintenance, storm water basin maintenance and snow removal.


John Skrobot and Richard Wolf discussed the ARC process and activity the past year.


Ron Davis presented the budget and current financial status. The proposed budget for 2011-12 was presented and voted upon with all persons present voting “YES” for budget acceptance. The Assessment fee for 2011 is not changing, despite tougher financial times in recent years (mainly due to some home-owners not paying their assessments), increases in snow removal expenses, and higher legal fees (due to pursuit of home-owners who owe the Community assessment fees and/or deed restriction violators). It is a requirement that all Home-owners pay their annual assessment fee for community maintenance. This everybody agreed to when they bought into the community. Also, deed restrictions must be complied with.


On the vote of 2011-12 budget approval, there were 21 on-site “yes” votes and 13 proxies supporting the Board President on any voting issues. Thus, over 10% of the votes required for budget approval were obtained.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.




Ballymeade Board Meeting

 Date: February 3, 2011

 Present: Pete Haggerty, Richard Wolf, John Skrodot, and Ron Davis

 The annual community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 23rd at the Brandywine Town Center building starting at 7 PM. All home-owners are requested to attend. The meeting will last 2 hours.

 Past Dues Collection – We are continuing to pursue overdue annual assessments through BC Communities and legal channels.  Homeowners who do not pay the assessment hurt the whole community by not contributing their fair share for snowplowing, landscaping, etc. There are now four homeowners who are delinquent with assessments. In October, 2010, there were eight delinquencies. Two liens have been established on properties which affects the credit rating of these parties and the future sale of the homes.  

 2011 Budget/Assessment Amount - The board has calculated the 2011 budget so that the 2011 homeowner assessment will not increase. It will stay at $240 per year per household.  The invoice for this assessment will be maild on or about March 1st

 ARC Activity – Recent deed restriction violations have been related to exterior construction/remodeling without ARC approval. All homeowners should understand the deed restrictions which are posted on our website. Remember, the deed restrictions benefit ALL homeowners with ever increasing property values due to the deed restrictions.

 Snow removal – Snow removal continues to be managed through Forever Green Landscaping. As of this writing for the current year, $3,795 has been incurred for snow removal and salting. Some of this work occurred during February, 2010, during the 2009 fiscal year, the invoice not received until after March 1st during the 2010-11 fiscal year. As you all know, we have had numerous storms going back to the end of last winter.  These have been difficult, particularly at townhomes and where homeowners leave cars on the streets. More work can be done, but then the cost will be more.  The county thankfully will reimburse Ballymeade for snowplowing for any storm 3 inches and above.

 Community Reserve Balance –Income for the community from the one-time sale assessment fees has been $3,150 (7 homes) for 2010-11. We are looking to add 7% to the reserve fund if possible. This depends on shortfalls from unpaid dues and extra snow removal requirements.

 Other –

  • Openings exist for 2011-13 for board member positions. We will be asking for volunteers to step forward at the meeting for     Secretary and board President  positions.
  • Some commercial vehicles have been parked in the community. This is not permitted.
  • Unlicensed vehicles are parked in spaces on Morningdale Drive. These violate county requirements and thus are not permitted here or anywhere.
  • Parking of vehicles only in designated parking areas and away from corners or intersections where they obstruct vision and turning vehicles remains a complaint area for residents. Such also includes obstruction of mail boxes.
  • Complaints of barking dogs and residents not cleaning up after their pets continues.
  • Security issues have been raised on our website. While there was some vandalism at the park last summer and some residents reported theft of property from vehicles, our community remains safe with better experience than surrounding locales.


 Regards, The Board


Posted by ballymeade on 02/16/2011
Last updated on 10/20/2011
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