Speeding in Ballymeade, Please call NCC Police Immediately

Get the license number, call 395-2762 ask for Sgt. Fitzgerald

• Speeding – The posted speed limit of 25 mph on Ballymeade Dr. and 20 mph on Shrewsbury Dr. must be adhered to at all times. There have been numerous reports of vehicles far exceeding these posted limits, placing children in danger, especially around the playground area. Please be aware that the county police have been alerted and have been on site many times and have issued speeding tickets to violators. The county police have agreed to continue posting a police officer periodically along the long stretches of Ballymeade Drive, Shrewsbury Drive and elsewhere. Please help us in protecting our residents from speeders. At any time, please call the New Castle County police to report speeding and to request that they patrol the area.

The number to call is: 302-395-2762 and ask for Sergeant Joseph Fitzgerald. This is the number of the NCC Police Community Services department. Let the speeders beware! You will be ticketed if caught. Stop endangering our children, pets and everyone with your speeding.

Other ideas besides police patrols - speed bumps, children safty signs placed out by parents at peak play times (weeknight evenings, Sat and Sun day time), parents group standing on the road once or twice with flyers on week night evenings, continued Ballymeade newsletter and website education statements and warnings.  What else??

Posted by ballymeade on 09/25/2008
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New Castle County, Delaware 19810