2006 Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2006

Minutes – Ballymeade Maintenance Corporation Board Meeting – 12 April 2006

The April 12, 2006 meeting of the Ballymeade Maintenance Corp. board was convened @ 7 pm at the residence of Bob and Shari Gleber. The 5 current board members were present, along with our BC Consulting representative:

Elise Nelson-B.C. Consulting
Peter Haggerty- present board member, VP
Jeff Peaper-present Treasurer
Peter Klosiewicz- present Secretary
Bob Gleber-new member-2 year term
Lynette Astor-new member-2 year term

Following some personal introductions, it was agreed that the positions of President,
1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer should be determined.

The attendees agreed that the senior board member should be President and as such Peter Haggerty accepted the position.

Jeff Klosiewicz agreed to accept the position of 1st Vice President.

Lynette Astor accepted the position of 2nd Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary.

Bob Gleber accepted the position of Secretary.

Jeff Peaper remains as Treasurer.

The board members then discussed numerous topics:

A)Pet owners that fail to clean up after their pets, and the implications of this illegal behavior. These include the spreading of disease, the possible injury of children, and potential conflicts between neighbors.

B)There was the question of the proliferation of satellite dishes and the placement of these items. There are specifics addressing this issue that are detailed in the Declarations of Restrictions. A copy of this document is provided to every property occupant at the time of purchase or rental.

C)Another topic discussed was what is referred to as “Curb Cuts”. Curb Cuts are connectors between the sidewalk and the street. They are most frequently installed at street corners so that strollers and bicycles can safely transition from sidewalk to street. Here at Ballymeade we appear to need 9 such Curb Cuts. It was pointed out that Del-Dot is responsible for installing our Curb Cuts and that our District Representative is supposed to fund the installation out of his $300,000 neighborhood fund. The undecided variable is the timetable for the funding.

D)Another issue was yard maintenance and clean-up, deed restriction violations, etc.. Pete Klosiewicz has agreed to organize the board for a neighborhood walk around. Any member of our community is welcome to join us as we survey our neighborhood in an effort to help our neighbors to appreciate how their cooperation and compliance with our declaration of restrictions will benefit all members of our community. The intent is to send letters to violators in an effort to clear up these violations.

E)The board also decided to send a letter to Mr. Baldini, the owner of the nine rental properties off Ballymeade Drive, asking him to install additional landscape shrubbery/trees in an effort to bring the back yards of his properties more in line with the appearances of the owner-occupied dwellings in Ballymeade. All nine townhouses have no plantings at all in the back yards.

F)Other topics discussed included:
a. The eventual installation of a renewable barrier – i.e. shrubs and trees to augment and eventually replace the wooden fence along Naamans Road.
b. The frequency and scheduling of future board meetings
c. Obtaining email addresses of Ballymeade residents to facilitate our efforts to keep everyone aware and up-to-date as to the going on here in our community.

Another meeting will be held in three weeks time since many more topics are needed to be addressed by the board.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert J. Gleber
Secretary, Ballymeade Maintenance Corporation


8th Annual Community Meeting Minutes

Ballymeade Maintenance Corporation Annual Meeting
February 23, 2006

AGENDA (Minutes are below)

Call to Order

President's Report

Old Business:
Report by BC - summary of 2005, outlook for 2006
Water Easement Contract
Log Run Tree - Survey/cut tree
Water Basins
Wet Lands
Cut in at sidewalk corners
Landscape Maintenance
Landscape Improvements

New Business:
New buyer assessment
Glass at path to Log Run
Brandywine Community Newsletter thrown in driveways

Treasurer's Report
Review of 2005 Actuals
2005 Delinquent Assessments Status
Review of 2006 Plan
Reserve Fund status
New homeowner assessment

Review and Approval of 2006-2007 Budget

Nominations and Election of Board


Adjournment .........


Annual Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Board Members - Pete Grims, Jeff Pepper; Peter Haggerty, Peter Klosiewicz.
BC Consulting - Elise Nelson (BC Consulting).
44 Ballymeade households were represented - 16 by proxy, 28 in attendence.

Call to Order:
Peter Klosiewicz; agenda review and times allocated

President’s report:

o Peter Haggerty summarized and delivered president’s report on the activities of the past year. Peter read from the February 6th Work in Progress document.

Old Business:

o Report of services by BC consulting – Elise Nelson gave a report out and a hand out of BC services, and entertained a brief Q&A.
o Log Tree Run tree removal issues – Peter Haggerty reported that the board authorized to get the tree and branches removed
o ARC – Peet Grims report that all changes must be pre approved
o Wet Lands – Peet Grims reported that the Corp of Engineers passed the basins in Ballymeade for compliance to Wet land regulations.
o Curb Cuts – Elise requested locations and approx. 12 to be made in the neighborhood
o Landscape – Peter Haggerty updated the audience on actions, trees planted, matching funds and general landscaping performed in 2006
o Newsletter and Web site – Peter Haggerty reported on the number of Wed site hits and newsletter being posted on the site.

New Business:

o New Buyer Assessment – Jeff brought this issue for discussion and resolution was to seek legal advice. Issue is to require all NEW homeowners who buy Ballymeade homes in the future to contribute a lump sum, non refundable to the capital fund for the association, similar to what all first time residents / homeowners did when the development was built
o Glass on Log Run path – Peter Haggerty reported the broken glass on the path crossing the creek between development, and cautioning neighbors and getting it removed
o Brandywine Community Newsletter – Peter Haggerty told resident who do not wish to receive the newsletter to call the newspaper and request not to receive this because the litter problem it produces

Treasurer’s Report & Budget:

o Review of 2005 actuals – hand out of actual distributed
o 2005 Delinquent Assessment Status – only 2 delinquent
o Review of 2006 Plan – approved as presented
o Reserve funds discussion – cost of capital improvements and maintenance for the next 30 years, and our current health status financially
o Action – 2006 budget unanimously approved with the audience approving a $12 annual dues increase, new annual fee is $199.00.

Nominations and approval for new board members:

o Lynnette Aster, Bob Gleber and Peter Klosiewicz were unanimously voted into 2-year terms to the board. Roles to be defined by the board.

Open/ Floor discussion:

Discussion focused on clarification of neighborhood issues, such as dogs barking and clean up; playground maintenance; street light maintenance, plantings; Ballymeade state representative.

Adjournment at 9:00 PM

For reference – Subject: Association dues. Issue - Delinquencies, second notices and certified letters. Action: Demand letter to 2 delinquent homeowners to be sent form BC legal; BC follows does the following after initial assessment bill is sent to all homeowners after the budget is approved at the annual meetings – after 30 days, delinquent letter sent; second notices sent after 60 days; then a certified letter; and finally, BC will turn over to attorney for demand letter notice and further legal action as needed. Second Action: 2006 assessment letters to be sent on 3/1/06, and an increase of $12.00 to be included for all homeowners, due on 4/1/06 ($199.00 is 2006 assessment fee).

Submitted: Peter Klosiewicz – Secretary to Ballymeade Community Association

Board Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2006


Board Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2006

Attendees: Pete Grims; Jeff Pepper; Peter Haggerty; Peter Klosiewicz; Elise Nelson (BC Consulting)

o Budget: Issue – Expenses for Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 were projected by the Treasurer to the end of FY, such as snow removal or other expenses not yet invoiced. Resolution: Budget projected to be balanced of FY 2005, once reimbursements, such as reimbursement from Del Dot for snow removal, is received.

o Association Dues: Issue - Delinquencies, second notices and certified letters. Action: Demand letter to 2 delinquent homeowners to be sent form BC legal; Voted to forgive small balance due to interest if under $10.00 and finalize process for collecting dues which will be: Delinquent letter after 30 days; second notices sent after 60 days; Then a certified letter; and finally turned over to legal for demand letter notice.

Second Action: Assessment letters to be sent on or about 3/1/06, and will be for the amount approved at the Ballymeade annual meeting by the quorum of residents in attendance. The assessment fee will be due to BC Consulting on or about 4/1/06.

Discussion: Should we provide an incentive for early payment or other incentives for dues compliance, such as a percentage off the total due? Board decision was to not do this as it may not be allowed per county code and by-laws of the community.

Jeff Pepper to validate all deposits for 2005 were made and all payments for FY 2005 budget were made, last payment was the Franchise tax, mailed in January. Any additional expenses were documented and accrued, such as tot lot maintenance.

o Balance of meeting discussion related to the upcoming annual board meeting scheduled for February 23, 2006. Topics included nominations, notices, location, time, proxies, mailing of notice and agenda. Elise to take action to make final agenda and mailing notices

o Final discussion was to close out the tree and survey issue between Ballymeade and homeowner in adjoining community. Waiting for survey to determine final action my BC.

Submitted: Peter Klosiewicz – Secretary to Ballymeade Community Association

Posted by ballymeade on 11/30/2007
Last updated on 03/26/2010
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